History of Korean Beauty: From Ancient Rituals to Global Fame

Author: Veruska Anconitano, Korean Beauty Lover And Korean Beauty JournalistAuthor information
About the author
Veruska Anconitano
Veruska Anconitano is a Korean beauty expert, combining her expertise as a seasoned journalist with a deeply personal passion for K-beauty.
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The history of Korean beauty is fascinating, and its evolution perfectly illustrates its allure in today’s world.

Korean beauty, referred to as K-beauty, has taken the world by storm, reshaping the global beauty industry with its innovative products, unique skincare rituals, and distinct standards of aesthetics.

From sheet masks that promise dewy skin to the 10-step skincare routine that emphasizes prevention over cure, K-beauty trends have not only become a staple in many personal care routines but have also transformed global beauty narratives.

However, to truly appreciate the depth and nuance of K-beauty, one must delve into its rich historical context. This article explores K-beauty’s socio-historical and sociological perspectives, shedding light on the multifaceted evolution of Korean beauty standards and practices.

Through this lens, we will journey from the ancient beauty rituals of Korean kingdoms to the modern, globalized beauty phenomenon that K-beauty has become today.

Ancient Korean Beauty Rituals

Long before the contemporary surge of K-beauty products, ancient Korea was a hub of holistic skincare and beauty practices, deeply intertwined with the rhythms of nature and the wisdom of centuries.

Among these were treatments centered around natural ingredients, a testament to the historical emphasis on organic and herbal solutions.

For instance, rice water, a byproduct of rinsing rice, was a staple in many beauty regimens, hailed for its ability to clarify, nourish, and brighten the complexion. Meanwhile, myriad herbal extracts, like ginseng and green tea, provided the skin with age-defying, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant benefits.

Beauty standards in the ancient Korean kingdoms were not just mere trends—they were often reflective of social and economic statuses.

Korean beauty history silla

For instance, the preference for pale, luminous skin was rooted in the belief that it signified a life of leisure and luxury, free from the toils of manual labor under the sun.

This association between complexion and class meant that one’s physical appearance bore implications far beyond aesthetics—it was a determinant of societal rank, marital prospects, and perceived virtue.

The integral role of beauty in the ancient Korean social structure cannot be overstated.

Cosmetics and skincare weren’t just personal indulgences; they were tools of socio-cultural expression, mediums through which individuals navigated and negotiated their places within the larger societal mosaic.

Korean Beauty during the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392)

The Goryeo Dynasty, a pivotal era in Korean history, experienced transformative changes in terms of culture, religion, and aesthetics.

One of the most significant shifts was the ascendancy of Buddhism as the dominant religious and cultural force. As it permeated the societal fabric, Buddhism’s principles, emphasizing inner tranquility and spiritual enlightenment, began to shape beauty ideals.

The reverence for simplicity and natural beauty became paramount, with many eschewing ostentatious adornments favoring a more serene and modest appearance.

Yet, the dynamism of Goryeo’s cosmetic landscape was evident in its embrace of novel products and techniques.

Influenced by indigenous innovations and imports, especially from cultures along the Silk Road, products like powders and rouges became integral to the Goryeo beauty regimen. The use of these cosmetics often went beyond mere aesthetic enhancement, serving as markers of social standing and cultural refinement.

Korean beauty history goryeo

The veneration of pale skin, a beauty standard with deep historical roots, achieved pronounced significance during the Goryeo era. It became emblematic of nobility and affluence, suggesting a privileged life shielded from the harshness of outdoor labor. This aesthetic preference, rooted in societal structures and class distinctions, has been documented in various historical records and artistic depictions from the period.

Korean Beauty during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1897)

Spanning over five centuries, the Joseon Dynasty left an indelible mark on various facets of Korean life, with its influence on beauty standards being particularly noteworthy.

The history of Korean beauty as we know it can be traced to this period (as illustrated by the many K-dramas depicting this moment in Korean history).

A profound philosophical pivot during this period was the ascent of Confucianism, which began to dictate not just governance and education but also societal norms and aesthetics.

Confucian ideals venerated modesty, restraint, and a harmonious balance between inner virtue and outer appearance. This preference for understated beauty can be traced back to key Confucian texts and teachings that extolled the virtues of simplicity and moral uprightness.

These principles gave rise to the “moon jar” face ideal. Named after the era’s pristine, round white porcelain jars, this beauty standard celebrated a face with pale, luminous skin accentuated by delicate features like small, softly tinted lips and gracefully arched eyebrows.

Such features were more than just aesthetic benchmarks; they became symbols of grace, virtue, and cultural refinement.

Korean beauty history joseon

Regarding skincare, the Joseon era was marked by a deep reliance on nature’s bounty.

Women meticulously crafted beauty recipes at home, harnessing the benefits of natural ingredients like mung beans for cleansing, honey for moisturization, and ginseng for revitalization.

These homemade concoctions were more than just beauty treatments; they embodied the era’s philosophy of living in harmony with nature and reflected the holistic approach to well-being that was deeply ingrained in the culture of the Joseon Dynasty.

Korean Beauty during the Modern Era and Western Influence (20th Century)

The 20th century heralded a new era for South Korea, characterized by immense change and reinvention, and nowhere was this metamorphosis more evident than in beauty and aesthetics.

Following the devastating impact of the Korean War, the nation embarked on a journey of rapid industrialization and modernization. As part of this transformation, South Korea became increasingly exposed to Western influences, especially as international relations strengthened and media globalization accelerated.

The allure of Hollywood, European fashion, and global beauty icons began to permeate Korean society, challenging and often reshaping local beauty ideals.

Fuller lips, double eyelids, and a more pronounced nose became aspirational, reflecting the pervasive influence of Western beauty paradigms.

Korean beauty 20 century

Parallel to this cultural influx was the meteoric rise of South Korea’s cosmetic industry. Local entrepreneurs launched beauty brands that skillfully combined traditional Korean ingredients with modern scientific approaches, leveraging the nation’s robust technological infrastructure and innovative prowess.

Brands like AmorePacific and LG Household & Health Care became household names, both domestically and globally, setting benchmarks for quality and innovation in skincare and makeup.

Yet, the march towards modernity and Western aesthetics did not signal a complete abandonment of traditional Korean beauty values. As South Korea grappled with its rapid transformation, a parallel movement emerged, seeking to reclaim and celebrate the nation’s cultural heritage.

This sentiment found expression in beauty, too, as many Koreans began to juxtapose and sometimes merge Western trends with traditional ideals, such as the revered “moon jar” face.

Such a blend birthed a unique aesthetic language, reflective of South Korea’s journey through the 20th century – one that straddled the crossroads of tradition and modernity, East and West.

K-Beauty in the 21st Century

The dawn of the 21st century ushered in a transformative era for global beauty, with South Korea at its epicenter.

Central to this revolution was the meticulous 10-step skincare routine. Far from being just a regimen, this approach epitomized the Korean philosophy of skin-first, championing preventative care, deep hydration, and consistent nourishment. This method, rooted in the age-old principles of Korean holistic care, resonated with global audiences, resulting in a paradigm shift. International beauty aficionados and experts alike began to extol the virtues of this regimen.

Complementing this deep-diving skincare approach was a suite of innovative products that seemed to redefine the boundaries of beauty and skincare. For instance, BB creams, originally developed to aid post-surgical skin, perfectly exemplified the K-beauty ethos, marrying skincare benefits with makeup utility. Similarly, sheet masks, laden with potent serums, offered spa-like treatments within the comfort of one’s home, making luxurious care accessible and routine.

But the meteoric rise of K-beauty cannot be discussed without acknowledging the Hallyu wave. This cultural phenomenon, marked by the global popularity of K-pop, K-dramas, and films, played a pivotal role in broadcasting Korean beauty standards to a global audience. Icons like BTS, BLACKPINK, and renowned actors were not just celebrated for their talents but also for their flawless skin and distinctive makeup styles. Their global influence, coupled with the accessibility of Korean beauty content on platforms like YouTube, drove a surging interest in Korean beauty products, making cities like Seoul the beauty capitals of the world.

blackpink korean beauty history evolution

The convergence of innovative products, a philosophy of holistic care, and the influential Hallyu wave meant that K-beauty in the 21st century wasn’t just a fleeting trend but a transformative movement, redefining beauty norms and standards globally.

Current Trends and Innovations in K-Beauty

Traditionally inspired by nature and time-tested rituals, Korean beauty is seamlessly interweaving its legacy with the imperatives of the 21st-century consumer.

At the forefront of this evolution is the burgeoning trend of sustainable beauty and clean cosmetics. As consumers globally become more eco-conscious, Korean brands are responding emphatically. They are increasingly championing initiatives such as refillable packaging, reducing single-use plastics, and ensuring sustainable ingredients. Furthermore, there’s a heightened emphasis on “clean” formulations that eschew harmful chemicals, prioritizing transparency and skin safety. This “green” turn in K-beauty is not just a marketing maneuver but a reflection of deeper societal values, resonating with Korea’s historical reverence for nature and well-being.

Parallel to this eco-conscious shift, embracing technology is transforming the K-beauty landscape. Advanced digital tools and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are revolutionizing customer experiences. From virtual try-ons to AI-powered skin analyses, brands offer tailored skincare and makeup solutions, ensuring that products align perfectly with individual needs. While enhancing product efficacy, such tech-driven personalization also gives consumers a sense of agency and bespoke care, a luxury exclusive to personalized consultations.

Dissolving traditional boundaries, K-beauty is also championing inclusivity. Breaking away from rigid gender norms, there’s a marked rise in men’s skincare and grooming products. Recognizing that self-care knows no gender, brands curate ranges exclusively for men, addressing unique skincare challenges and promoting holistic wellness. This trend is reinforced by popular male K-pop icons and actors openly discussing their skincare routines, challenging stereotypes and reshaping perceptions about masculinity and self-care

As K-beauty continues its journey, these trends underscore a broader commitment: harmonizing tradition with innovation, nature with technology, and individuality with inclusivity.

Korean Beauty Challenges and Criticisms

K-beauty’s meteoric rise on the global stage has been accompanied by a set of challenges and criticisms, highlighting the complexities of beauty standards and the responsibilities of the industry.

Foremost among these is the controversial stance on skin whitening products. Historically rooted in the societal preference for pale skin—a symbol of nobility and a life of leisure away from sun-touched fields—these products have been scrutinized for perpetuating colorism and the potential health implications of their chemical compositions. Such products, critics argue, reinforce a narrow beauty ideal, inadvertently marginalizing those with naturally deeper skin tones.

Further intensifying the discourse around beauty standards is the undeniable pressure these ideals exert on Korean youth. A homogenized standard of beauty, perpetuated by popular media and the entertainment industry, has manifested in alarming ways, from extreme dieting to the ubiquity of plastic surgery, especially among young adults.

Seoul, for instance, has gained a reputation as the “plastic surgery capital” of the world, with clinics advertising many procedures to achieve the coveted aesthetic benchmarks, suggesting a deep-seated cultural wrestling with identity and societal acceptance.

The environmental dimension of these challenges cannot be ignored either. With the global beauty industry under the lens for its environmental footprint, K-beauty brands face calls for greener practices. Issues range from over-packaging to the unsustainable harvesting of ingredients. The demand is for a holistic approach that combines efficacy with eco-consciousness, pushing brands towards sustainable sourcing, eco-friendly packaging, and cruelty-free testing to balance beauty aspirations and ecological responsibility.

As K-beauty evolves in response to these challenges, it mirrors broader global conversations about beauty, identity, and our relationship with the planet.


Korean beauty, a harmonious blend of ancient rituals and contemporary innovations, vividly illustrates how cultures can evolve while maintaining a deep respect for their roots.

Tracing the journey of beauty practices from the Korean peninsula reveals an intricate dance of tradition and modernity. Once exclusive to the socio-cultural fabric of Korea, these practices have undergone significant transformations, responding to changing societal values, technological breakthroughs, and the influx of global influences. This dynamic and adaptive essence has catapulted K-beauty into a global phenomenon.

The world has not merely observed but ardently embraced K-beauty’s philosophy and offerings. From the West’s adoption of the multi-step skincare regimen to the global fascination with innovations like BB creams and sheet masks, the ripples of K-beauty’s impact are palpable in every corner of the beauty world.

Such widespread acclaim and influence speak volumes about K-beauty’s universal resonance, its ability to address diverse skincare needs, and its talent for pioneering trends that redefine beauty standards.

But beyond its current successes, the horizon looks even brighter for K-beauty. As the industry stands at the intersection of sustainability, technological innovation, and shifting global beauty paradigms, its potential to lead is undeniable. Embracing eco-friendly practices, championing inclusivity, and leveraging technology promise to elevate K-beauty’s stature further.

K-beauty is poised as a vibrant thread and a master weaver, shaping, defining, and enhancing the collective narrative of beauty in the 21st century and beyond.

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